Through John’s great support I settled on the 15″ sport touring shield for my 2015 RG back in April 2019. NEVER been happier .. the stock RG shield and a 12″ clear HD product always fell short of my touring needs. Immediately after installing it, I knew that the Freedom shield would be different and way better! With the shield’s style and height, I proceeded to put on about 6500 miles, mostly on interstates with occasional regional or short local trips. I never turn on “the noise” so can’t comment on the radio but can sure say that the buffeting all around is way reduced, with overall ride comfort much improved. So about the birds .. in eastern NC we face all sorts of road devils from deer to dogs, but the turkey buzzards also command serious attention. Not the smartest of God’s creatures for sure but they are invariably smart enough to lift and swoop off their roadkill in time for passing vehicles. Last fall I took a post-oil change test ride before heading up to Cape Cod for the weekend. At 55 mph I spotted a feeding buzzard approximately 300 yards ahead and cautiously watched its movements (or not) as I approached. Typically dropping speed or veering is unnecessary as they have an innate sense of physics .. bad deal to get hit by a truck, car or mc. But this dumb chunck of feathers and guts lifted (good), flew left 90 degrees (good), and cleared my path easily (also good). And then it totally forgot about risk management (bad) .. as I got close to the roadkill, the buzzard banked hard left and straight into my Freedom shield. In hindsight I suppose I could have taken another path that day, or not ridden, or some other silly crap .. and sometimes Murphy just gets a ride-along. I’m experienced, always alert, and ready for changes in road conditions but this was kind of like an instantaneous breach of reality. Bottom line .. I’m doing 55 mph, in a blink the 3-5 lb bird is doing whatever buzzard speed is straight at/into me, it hit the shield dead center, launched over my head and not so softly landed on the ground behind me. NO damage to shield or fairing .. none whatsoever. And I didn’t have to spit feathers. So I’m guessing that bugs and minor chips or stones have met their match here. Buy a Freedom shield, just enjoy it and know that it’s, first and foremost, great protection in addition to great looking and otherwise highly functional.
Review By: Ken – Belhaven, NC